B2 Api client

class b2sdk.v2.B2Api[source]

Provide file-level access to B2 services.

While b2sdk.v2.B2RawHTTPApi provides direct access to the B2 web APIs, this class handles several things that simplify the task of uploading and downloading files:

  • re-acquires authorization tokens when they expire

  • retrying uploads when an upload URL is busy

  • breaking large files into parts

  • emulating a directory structure (B2 buckets are flat)

Adds an object-oriented layer on top of the raw API, so that buckets and files returned are Python objects with accessor methods.

The class also keeps a cache of information needed to access the service, such as auth tokens and upload URLs.


alias of b2sdk.bucket.BucketFactory


alias of b2sdk.bucket.Bucket


alias of b2sdk.session.B2Session


alias of b2sdk.file_version.FileVersionFactory


alias of b2sdk.file_version.DownloadVersionFactory

__init__(account_info: Optional[b2sdk.account_info.abstract.AbstractAccountInfo] = None, cache: Optional[b2sdk.cache.AbstractCache] = None, max_upload_workers: int = 10, max_copy_workers: int = 10, api_config: b2sdk.api_config.B2HttpApiConfig = <b2sdk.api_config.B2HttpApiConfig object>)[source]

Initialize the API using the given account info.

  • account_info – To learn more about Account Info objects, see here SqliteAccountInfo

  • cache – It is used by B2Api to cache the mapping between bucket name and bucket ids. default is DummyCache

  • max_upload_workers – a number of upload threads

  • max_copy_workers – a number of copy threads

  • api_config

property account_info
property cache
property raw_api


B2RawHTTPApi attribute is deprecated. B2Session expose all B2RawHTTPApi methods now.


Perform automatic account authorization, retrieving all account data from account info object passed during initialization.

authorize_account(realm, application_key_id, application_key)[source]

Perform account authorization.


Return the account ID.

Return type


create_bucket(name, bucket_type, bucket_info=None, cors_rules=None, lifecycle_rules=None, default_server_side_encryption: Optional[b2sdk.encryption.setting.EncryptionSetting] = None, is_file_lock_enabled: Optional[bool] = None)[source]

Create a bucket.

  • name (str) – bucket name

  • bucket_type (str) – a bucket type, could be one of the following values: "allPublic", "allPrivate"

  • bucket_info (dict) – additional bucket info to store with the bucket

  • cors_rules (dict) – bucket CORS rules to store with the bucket

  • lifecycle_rules (dict) – bucket lifecycle rules to store with the bucket

  • default_server_side_encryption (b2sdk.v2.EncryptionSetting) – default server side encryption settings (None if unknown)

  • is_file_lock_enabled (bool) – boolean value specifies whether bucket is File Lock-enabled


a Bucket object

Return type


download_file_by_id(file_id: str, progress_listener: Optional[b2sdk.progress.AbstractProgressListener] = None, range_: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, encryption: Optional[b2sdk.encryption.setting.EncryptionSetting] = None)b2sdk.transfer.inbound.downloaded_file.DownloadedFile[source]

Download a file with the given ID.

  • file_id (str) – a file ID

  • progress_listener – a progress listener object to use, or None to not track progress

  • range – a list of two integers, the first one is a start position, and the second one is the end position in the file

  • encryption – encryption settings (None if unknown)

update_file_retention(file_id: str, file_name: str, file_retention: b2sdk.file_lock.FileRetentionSetting, bypass_governance: bool = False)[source]
get_bucket_by_id(bucket_id: str)b2sdk.bucket.Bucket[source]

Return the Bucket matching the given bucket_id. :raises b2sdk.v2.exception.BucketIdNotFound: if the bucket does not exist in the account


Return the Bucket matching the given bucket_name.


bucket_name (str) – the name of the bucket to return


a Bucket object

Return type



b2sdk.v2.exception.NonExistentBucket – if the bucket does not exist in the account


Delete a chosen bucket.


bucket (b2sdk.v2.Bucket) – a bucket to delete

Return type


list_buckets(bucket_name=None, bucket_id=None)[source]

Call b2_list_buckets and return a list of buckets.

When no bucket name nor ID is specified, returns all of the buckets in the account. When a bucket name or ID is given, returns just that bucket. When authorized with an application key restricted to one bucket, you must specify the bucket name or bucket id, or the request will be unauthorized.

  • bucket_name (str) – the name of the one bucket to return

  • bucket_id (str) – the ID of the one bucket to return

Return type


list_parts(file_id, start_part_number=None, batch_size=None)[source]

Generator that yields a b2sdk.v2.Part for each of the parts that have been uploaded.

  • file_id (str) – the ID of the large file that is not finished

  • start_part_number (int) – the first part number to return; defaults to the first part

  • batch_size (int) – the number of parts to fetch at a time from the server

Return type


cancel_large_file(file_id: str)b2sdk.file_version.FileIdAndName[source]

Cancel a large file upload.

delete_file_version(file_id: str, file_name: str)b2sdk.file_version.FileIdAndName[source]

Permanently and irrevocably delete one version of a file.


Return a URL to download the given file by ID.


file_id (str) – a file ID

get_download_url_for_file_name(bucket_name, file_name)[source]

Return a URL to download the given file by name.

  • bucket_name (str) – a bucket name

  • file_name (str) – a file name

create_key(capabilities: List[str], key_name: str, valid_duration_seconds: Optional[int] = None, bucket_id: Optional[str] = None, name_prefix: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Create a new application key.

  • capabilities – a list of capabilities

  • key_name – a name of a key

  • valid_duration_seconds – key auto-expire time after it is created, in seconds, or None to not expire

  • bucket_id – a bucket ID to restrict the key to, or None to not restrict

  • name_prefix – a remote filename prefix to restrict the key to or None to not restrict

delete_key(application_key: b2sdk.application_key.BaseApplicationKey)[source]

Delete application key.


application_key – an application key

delete_key_by_id(application_key_id: str)[source]

Delete application key.


application_key_id – an application key ID

list_keys(start_application_key_id: Optional[str] = None)Generator[b2sdk.application_key.ApplicationKey, None, None][source]

List application keys. Lazily perform requests to B2 cloud and return all keys.


start_application_key_id – an application key ID to start from or None to start from the beginning

get_file_info(file_id: str)b2sdk.file_version.FileVersion[source]

Gets info about file version.


file_id (str) – the id of the file who’s info will be retrieved.

check_bucket_name_restrictions(bucket_name: str)[source]

Check to see if the allowed field from authorize-account has a bucket restriction.

If it does, checks if the bucket_name for a given api call matches that. If not, it raises a b2sdk.v2.exception.RestrictedBucket error.


b2sdk.v2.exception.RestrictedBucket – if the account is not allowed to use this bucket

check_bucket_id_restrictions(bucket_id: str)[source]

Check to see if the allowed field from authorize-account has a bucket restriction.

If it does, checks if the bucket_id for a given api call matches that. If not, it raises a b2sdk.v2.exception.RestrictedBucket error.


b2sdk.v2.exception.RestrictedBucket – if the account is not allowed to use this bucket

class b2sdk.v2.B2HttpApiConfig[source]

alias of b2sdk.raw_api.B2RawHTTPApi

__init__(http_session_factory: Callable[[], requests.sessions.Session] = <class 'requests.sessions.Session'>, install_clock_skew_hook: bool = True, user_agent_append: Optional[str] = None, _raw_api_class: Optional[Type[b2sdk.raw_api.AbstractRawApi]] = None)[source]

A structure with params to be passed to low level API.

  • http_session_factory – a callable that returns a requests.Session object (or a compatible one)

  • install_clock_skew_hook – if True, install a clock skew hook

  • user_agent_append – if provided, the string will be appended to the User-Agent

  • _raw_api_class – AbstractRawApi-compliant class